John Steers had a long and distinguished career in mineral exploration in Canada and elsewhere. The KEGS Foundation has for several years been responsible for establishing a scholarship programme in geophysics and has now taken the initiative to coordinate funding support for a bursary in mineral exploration in honour of John Steers.
The Canadian Mineral Industry Education Foundation has offered to make known the availability of the John Steers Bursary to universities, along with our scholarships in geology, mining and metallurgy. The John Steers Bursary in the amount of $1,000 for one year is available for geology and geological engineering students with a particular interest in mineral exploration. The bursary may be used for attendance at university in accordance with the requirements of the scholarship programme of the CMIEF, or may be used to participate in a field school sponsored by the geology department at a Canadian university or by a recognized institution such as the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy or the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada.
Those geology students with an interest in the John Steers Bursary should submit an application following the same procedures as for the CMIEF scholarships.